FUNGICIDE Soluble Powder (SP)
CeraQuint SP is a foliar fungicide use to control variety of fungi that causes disease, recommend for use against late blight in potato crops.
Guaranteed Composition
Active Ingredients:
Potassium phosphite ………………………………………………………………… 519 g/kg
Copper Sulfate (pentahydrate) …………………………………………………. 102 g/kg
Aditives ………………………………………………………………………………… c.s.p. 1 kg
CeraQuint SP is an organic and mineral fungicide composed of potassium phosphite and copper sulfate. Its patented formulation allows the inclusion of the element copper, which in combination with the phosphite, have a protectant effect, in addition to act as an elicitor of the plant natural defense responses against different diseases. It is recommended to apply CeraQuint SP every 14 to 28 days to ensure activation of the plant internal defense mechanisms.
Crop | Target | Dosage(kg/ha) | PHI | REI |
Potato | Phytophtora infectans | 2.8 | 7 | 6 |
Tomato | Alternaria solani | 2.0 | 7 | 6 |
Roses | Peronospora sparsa | 2.4 | N/A | 6 |
Strawberry | Botrytis cinera | 3 | N/A | N/A |
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